Sunday, September 19, 2010


a violent upmove is entirely possible today since after yesterdays move it should be hard for spx to give.


  1. Hi Vipul

    Have seen your name off and on from yelnick's board. I am an ex-i-banker who has just started speculation full time --- hoping it wont be a total disaster....Seems you are in Delhi too -- would be good to catch up sometime if you so wish


    Manav Aggarwal

  2. Hi Manav,
    yes i am in delhi and will be good to catch up.

    how are you taking trading: based on technicals, quasi technicals or fundamentals?
    and if technicals , what specific are you using?

  3. I am following a simple trend-following technique based on ROC's --- hoping to cut losses and let winners ride...aim over the first 6 months is not to lose money
