Tuesday, December 15, 2009

turning points and physics

physicists believe that at turning points say creation/annihilation /big bang etc. the standard set of rules breakdown. similarly when the market experiences such a breakdown of rules and limits and capitulates, it marks a turning point.thats what we had in spx at 667 and a lot of other markets.a breakdown of rules and limits .
this implies that those levels will not be seen again in forseeable future.thats why i say that spx has a floor at 750 .


  1. Hello vipul.

    This is Tartan from DG's blog. I see you have just started putting your thoughts into your own blog.

    I have been very impressed with many of your calls and knowledge of NeoWave. I am looking forward to following you here.


  2. hey tartan,
    how did you get hold hold of this blog?
    the market and maybe life does take a toll on everyone , so just thought would write a little.but just have not been any regular with writing, but i am going to now.

  3. Hi vipul: I discovered your blog by clicking on your name on DG's blog to look at your profile. It shows that you started this blog. I hope that it is ok that I visit now and then :-)

    I'm not doing so well on my ES trades lately, but have done quite well shorting Gold.


  4. okay. its perfectly okay to visit here.
    i have been very irregular and havent done posting, but in intend to put in more of my thots .

    everybody is in the same boat in trading , almost all markets are very treacherous these days. profit, if it comes at all, evaporates into thin air.
